Jim Johansson
RN, MN, PhD(c) 


Assembling packs: Outreach nurses, disaffiliated persons, and sorcerers.

Johansson, J. A., Holmes, D. & Turcotte, P. L. (2024)
Nursing Philosophy

Subversion, mythical figures and feminist resistance: On the rise of posthuman ‘professionals.’

Turcotte, P. L., Holmes, D., Johansson, J., Said-Gagné, S., & Perron, A. (2024)
Nursing Inquiry

Toward an ontology of the mutant in health sciences: Re-defining the person from Cronenberg’s persepective

Holmes, D., Turcotte, P., Johansson, J. A., Orser, L., & Adam, S. (2023)
Nursing Inquiry

Making sense of schizoposting: A schizoanalysis of alt-right internet platforms   

EDITOR’S PICK: Journal of Forensic Nursing
Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2023)
Journal of Forensic Nursing

“Recovery” in mental health services, now and then: A poststructuralist examination of the despotic state machine’s effects 

Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2023)
Nursing Inquiry

The use of recovery model in forensic psychiatric settings: A Foucauldian Critique

Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2022)
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, e13005

Abjection and the weaponization of bodily excretions in forensic psychiatry settings: A poststructural reflection

Johansson, J. A. & Holmes, D. (2021)
Nursing Inquiry, e12480

Poststructuralism and the construction of subjectivities in forensic mental health: Opportunities for resistance

Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2023)
Nursing Philosophy

The clean and proper self: The relevance of Kristeva’s concept of abjection for nursing

Johansson, J. A., & Holmes, D. (2022)
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice

Canada’s aging federal prison population: Health disparity, risk, and compassionate release for older persons convicted of sexual offences

Johansson, J. A., Paradis-Gagné, E. & Holmes, D. (2023)
Journal of Forensic Nursing

Nursing strategies for working with patients perceived to be challenging and difficult: A discourse analysis

Johansson, J. A. (2020)
Master of Nursing thesis • University of Saskatchewan